Teacher of Legends

Teacher of Legends
Jiraiya, Arashi, Naruto, Who next? Me?

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Course. Course. Course. Third time the charm?

Courses. Courses. Courses. Third time the charm?

Course. Course. AH! Damn course. what's so special about them? I mean, it's money consuming, time wasting, and body-quality deteriorating, albeit knowledge gaining. I have had a course, a grading and two tournaments. And none of it, profitable. gah!

At the other end of spectrum, i was asked whether i will go for the next course or not. and my answer is an inevitable NO! No, Never, Cant, Shan't, Wouldn't and mustn't ... did i mentioned NO!?
Why? came the reply. Why you ask? because i've sustained loss more than gained profit. That's why.

in the other hand, my teacher was pleading, begging, appealing, -every word that meant ask desperately, for me to go to another tournament. Not an iota, my friends too!.. of course i had to asnwer, aptly, no. My excuses? easy- i had been berated by my parents (read:my mom) just by saying the word of the tournament,courtesy of PMR is near the corner.By saying near the corner, i mean half a year later.The reply for the aforementioned question, is never. So, this excuse is nothing but acceptable. My teacher seemed speechless and soundless, save for the grunting and snorting. Snort? hmm, never mind.

I do want to go, but I was held by a situation that I can barely comprehend. Well, the excuse was still an excuse after all of the nicknames, masks, and everything else that human can name or even put it. I was really aghast, no matter how much I explained the importances of it, all of it were denied ungracefully, telling that I need all the time that I can for the PMR exam. 2 weeks of holiday at home with books. Oh joy!

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