Teacher of Legends

Teacher of Legends
Jiraiya, Arashi, Naruto, Who next? Me?

Sunday, April 1, 2007

5 languages


Language is a word represents for the system of conventional spoken or written symbols used by people in a shared culture to communicate with each other. In short, a verbal communication. There is a lot of languages for just a country. Just thought about a hundred or even two, how much language will be there? One World, A Lot of Languages.By saying a lot, i mean thousands of it. It's a normal thing for those to speak two languages fluently. If the bilinguals are only norms, then three languages speakers supposed to be above average. I'm saying that bilingual is easy to achieve. one language is native and the other one is English. Didn't the world using English right now, in this era of globalization? I mean, the people of the world. So, mastering it is a must, obligatory, compulsory and thing that associated with it. Trilingual is no where near the bilingual. Another language will be hard to learn after you perfected two. If three is hard yet above average, how will one to master five languages, at the same time?

This is the story of a boy who is lazy. No, saying lazy is understatement. He is SUPER LAZY. Gosh, in this world, lazy is intolerable. By being lazy, you're being a failure. There is no place for the failure. Even smart guy is unneeded in this cruel word. But, geniuses are. What bothering me is that he has the tendency to learn everything new. Not like i hate those who are like this, but what really bothering me is he want to learn everything new that he's interested. If not, then he being the lazy-ass . And here, one thing that is impossible for him, i dunno what he thought, but others surely agreed with me. He wanted to learn 5 languages at the same time, albeit it's only convenient.

Five languages, Malays, Arabic, English, Japanese and Mandarin. Does he know that experting in three is already damn hard, which is Malays, Arabic and English. One is the native while the others are elective. Despite the difficulties, he is adamant on it. But, instead of working to master the languages, he simply entertains himself by reading manga and watching anime. Seemingly, he's an otaku. Not only the manga, he even squanders his time by reading the fiction novels. What is he? Someone who has a looooot of time? Doesn't he has homework or assignment to do?
So carefree about the world. He already thought about the repercussion of his actions, doesn't he?

Anyway, if he's an otaku, a lazy-ass bum, a reckless student, and everything that related to the negative side, then why he's got the second place in his class? When did he study or revise? I heard that he's not reading the text book when the examination was around the corner. sigh. I hope that he would make it through the globalized world yet cruel.

to my chagrin, that boy is me.
note to me:
Dear me, please change yourself before it's too late.
There is no use crying over spoil milk.
Yourself, ME.

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