Teacher of Legends

Teacher of Legends
Jiraiya, Arashi, Naruto, Who next? Me?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Setelah dipendek pendekkan cerita dari dulu-dulu kala (tahun ni) (ntuk stakat ni), these are my reactions...

-Vote for opposition parties!
-Ack! exam >.< -Yay! We've won! -wohaha, cuti !~ -aduih, cepatnye habis cuti... - >.<" exam continues
- ape punye kije ni =.="
-kono bakayarou...
-banzaii... my add math's really low maa... O.o"
-Aah! projek d'raja xsiap lg, n its tomorrow the due date..
-Lets Hope For The BEST!